Hello internet-land! With the relaunch of my website, I'm giving this blogging business one more go.
This blog will, of course, be photo-centric - I hope to keep it as a form of visual journal. However, I wish to share not only the images I make, but also vintage photographs I come across, as I have a fondness for old pictures (for example, the one above). That said - sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride!
P.S. Comments, thoughts, and suggestions will always be very welcomed. :)
A little about the photograph above: This image came from a deck of postcards previously belonging to my maternal Grand Uncle, who passed away long before I was born. On a recent trip to visit his widow in Shanghai, I was rummaging through a bookcase that contained stacks and stacks of his old books, paperwork, and various other knickknacks. Somewhere in between the old books and leaflets, I found a few sets of old postcards, mostly depicting Chinese cities.
The image above was taken in Taishan, Shandong Province. Because the postcards were not dated, if I were to guess, they were probably taken and produced circa 1950s or 60s. I love this picture - everything from the aged sepia tone, to the majestic scenery stirs up a sentimental beauty that moved me.